Spain has many faces. To the holiday-maker names such as Majorca, Cost Brava and the Canary Islands surely conjure up pictures of superb beaches, gleaming hotels and long days of sunshine. To the historian Spain presents a picture of a powerful, conquering nation that was to be itself invaded and subsequently torn by the violence of Civil War. Enjoy the marvelous scenery and character captured so memorably in the photographs in this book.
Spain: A Picture Book To Remember Her By Book Review
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Spain has many faces. To the holiday-maker names such as Majorca, Cost Brava and the Canary Islands surely conjure up pictures of superb beaches, gleaming hotels and long days of sunshine. To the historian Spain presents a picture of a powerful, conquering nation that was to be itself invaded and subsequently torn by the violence of Civil War. Enjoy the marvelous scenery and character captured so memorably in the photographs in this book.
Spain has many faces. To the holiday-maker names such as Majorca, Cost Brava and the Canary Islands surely conjure up pictures of superb beaches, gleaming hotels and long days of sunshine. To the historian Spain presents a picture of a powerful, conquering nation that was to be itself invaded and subsequently torn by the violence of Civil War. Enjoy the marvelous scenery and character captured so memorably in the photographs in this book.