Using comprehensive but easy-to-understand material, First Aid for Colleges and Universities presents the most complete information available for a college-level first-aid course. The text goes beyond elementary information to give options and encourage the effective improvisation so important to successful first aid. The text primarily focuses on the most common accidents and emergencies a first-aider is likely to encounter, making it practical for the student and extremely useful to the professor.
First Aid for Colleges and Universities (7th Edition) Book Review
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Using comprehensive but easy-to-understand material, First Aid for Colleges and Universities presents the most complete information available for a college-level first-aid course. The text goes beyond elementary information to give options and encourage the effective improvisation so important to successful first aid. The text primarily focuses on the most common accidents and emergencies a first-aider is likely to encounter, making it practical for the student and extremely useful to the professor.
Using comprehensive but easy-to-understand material, First Aid for Colleges and Universities presents the most complete information available for a college-level first-aid course. The text goes beyond elementary information to give options and encourage the effective improvisation so important to successful first aid. The text primarily focuses on the most common accidents and emergencies a first-aider is likely to encounter, making it practical for the student and extremely useful to the professor.